Source: App.js

import dom from './DOM.js'
import Router from './Router.js'
import Component from './Component.js'
import Localizer from './Localizer.js'
import EventHandler from './EventHandler.js'

`App` contains the orchestration logic for the entirety of what is being displayed for a given app, including the app chrome like navigation.

App communicates these changes to {@link Component}s via events so that they may react.

The [hello-world example]( has the most basic App and the [components example]( is more complex.

@example <caption>Set up a basic user administration page</caption>
* import { AdminApp } from '{some path}/App.js'
* import { UpdateBioComponent } from './UpdateBioComponent.js'
* import { ResetPasswordComponent } from './ResetPasswordComponent.js'
* import { UpdatePortraitComponent } from './UpdatePortraitComponent.js'
* import { UserModel } from './UserModel.js'
* class AdminApp extends App {
* 	constructor(){
* 		// Get user model (see DataObject, DataModel, and DataCollection docs)
* 		this.dataObject = new UserModel()
* 		this.dataObject.fetch().catch(err => { ... handle error ... })
* 		// Set up the masthead
* 		this._masthead = new MastheadComponent(
* 			undefined,
* 			{
* 				brand: 'Your Brand',
* 				brandAnchor: '/',
* 				menuItems: [
* 					{ name: 'Bio', anchor: '#' },
* 					{ name: 'Password', anchor: '#password' },
* 					{ name: 'Portrait', anchor: '#portrait' }
* 				]
* 			}
* 		).appendTo(this)
* 		// Set up three sub-views with Components (see Component docs)
* 		this._bioComponent = new UpdateBioComponent(this.dataObject).appendTo(this)
* 		this._passwordComponent = new ResetPasswordComponent(this.dataObject).appendTo(this)
* 		this._portraitComponent = new UpdatePortraitComponent(this.dataObject).appendTo(this)
* 		// Set up the Router (see Router docs)
* 		this._router = new Router()
* 		this._router.addRoute(/^$/, 'default')
* 		this._router.addRoute(/^password$/, 'password')
* 		this._router.addRoute(/^portait$/, 'portrait')
* 		router.addListener('blog-app', (routeName) => {
* 			switch (routeName) {
* 				case 'default':
* 					this._passwordComponent.hide()
* 					this._portraitComponent.hide()
* 					break
* 				case 'password':
* 					this._bioComponent.hide()
* 					this._portraitComponent.hide()
* 					break
* 				case 'portrait'
* 					this._bioComponent.hide()
* 					this._passwordComponent.hide()
* 					break
* 			}
* 		})
* 	}	
* }

const App = class extends EventHandler {
	@param {Object} [options={}]
	@param {HTMLElement} [options.dom=div]
	constructor(options = {}) {
		this._options = options
		this._router = new Router()

		this._dom = this._options.dom || dom.div()

	/** @type {Router} */
	get router() {
		return this._router
	/** @type {HTMLElement} */
	get dom() {
		return this._dom

	Adds the childComponent's `dom` to this Component's `dom`.

	@param {Component} childComponent
	@return {App} - this App, handy for chaining
	append(childComponent) {
		return this

	Removes the childComponent's `dom` from this Component's `dom`.

	@param {Component} childComponent
	@return {App} - this App, handy for chaining
	removeComponent(childComponent) {
		return this

	@param {boolean} shouldGather - true if the {@link Localizer} should be tracking translations
	set localizerGathering(shouldGather) {
		Localizer.Singleton.gathering = shouldGather

	/** @type {boolean} */
	get localizerGathering() {
		return Localizer.Singleton.gathering

	/** @type {boolean} */
	get localizerGatheredData() {
		return Localizer.Singleton.gatheredData

export default App
export { App }